Wardrobe Laminate

Wardrobe Laminate

Wardrobe laminates are decorative sheets with glossy or textured surfaces designed to elevate the look and feel of wardrobes. They are aesthetic, durable, and easy to maintain.

Choosing the right laminates for your project requires approaching the right brand that offers premium, luxury laminates at the right price. Royale Touche is where your quest to find the best laminates ends

Wardrobe laminates are durable, aesthetic, and easy to maintain. Our laminate sheets for wardrobes are four times more scratch-resistant. They feature non-bacterial properties and are resistant to fading by light.

Wardrobe laminates are decorative sheets with glossy or textured surfaces designed to elevate the look and feel of wardrobes. They are aesthetic, durable, and easy to maintain.

At Royale Touche, wardrobe laminate sheets are available in 1220mm x 2440mm dimensions.

Although the quality is premium, you can order a sample of wardrobe laminate sheets prior to your final order.

Wardrobe laminates are engineered for the latest wardrobe designs. You can also use them to adorn your kitchen cabinets and shelves.

We offer wardrobe laminates in a range of designs, finishes, and colour options. Some popular design options matt finish, solid colours, wood finish, and matte finish.

Installing wardrobe laminate sheets requires experience and professional skills. So, it is advisable to hire an interior designer for your project.

Yes, they are designed to last for years. Resistant to fading by light, our wardrobe laminates also feature anti-scratch and anti-bacterial properties, which add a few extra years to their life.

the best laminate for a wardrobe depends on your specific requirements and priorities. High-pressure laminate (HPL) and laminate with good moisture resistance are often excellent choices for durability. Ultimately, choose a laminate that aligns with your design preferences, budget, and the intended use of the wardrobe to ensure it serves your needs effectively and looks appealing in your space. Glossy laminates are a perfect surfacing material for those considering embellishing wardrobes with a luxurious look. Choose a reputable brand or manufacturer known for producing high-quality laminates.

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